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WSH Posters & Brochures
Safe Use of Lift at the Workplace (Poster) English Version
Lift owners are reminded of their legal duties as per Sections 17 and 19 of the WSH Act, CAP 277, Regulation 19 of the WSH (General Provisions) Regulations, and the WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations.
WSH Posters & Brochures
Safe Use of Lift at the Workplace (Poster) Malay Version
Lift owners are reminded of their legal duties as per Sections 17 and 19 of the WSH Act, CAP 277, Regulation 19 of the WSH (General Provisions) Regulations, and the WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations.
Note to Industry (NTI)
2024/NTI/14 - Maintenance of the E-SHENA Online Registration Portal
This Note to Industry (NTI) serves as a notice to inform all stakeholders of the maintenance period of the E-SHENA online registration portal (ORP). The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) informs all stakeholders that the E-SHENA ORP will undergo maintenance from 27th December 2024 to 1st January 2025 and is expected to resume online on 2nd January 2025.
Note to Industry (NTI)
2024/NTI/13 - Commencement of Application to Act as a Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Auditor
This Note to Industry (NTI) serves as a notice to inform all stakeholders of the commencement date for applications to act as a Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Auditor. The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) hereby announces that the commencement date for applications to act as a WSH Auditor is effective from 11th December 2024.
Code of Practice & Guidelines
Code of Practice: Workplace Safety and Health Management System
The occupier has overall accountability for the organisation and management of workplace safety and health (WSH). An effective way for an occupier to fulfil this obligation is by implementing an effective WSH Management System. This Code of Practice (COP) has been designed as a guidance that provides an overview of the key concepts and principles of safety and health management systems. The COP has been developed to integrate all the 14 elements of Safety and Health Management System in the Schedule 2 of WSH (General Provisions) Regulations with the alignment of International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO) 45001:2018 (Occupational health and safety management systems). Further, this COP acts as a practical tool to support organisations achieving continuous improvements in the WSH performance that are in line with the applicable laws and regulations. Consultation and participation of workers is crucial for the successful implementation of the WSH Management System. The WSH Management System is intended to be a self-regulatory tool so that workplaces are able to manage safety and health systematically. Nonetheless, the management system is periodically audited (in workplaces where a safety and health auditor are required) to ensure the system is robust and properly implemented.
Workplace Safety and Health Notice (WSHN)
2024/WSHN/07 - Urgent Reminder on the Safety Precautions to Prevent Falls from Height
The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) is issuing an urgent reminder to all principals, employers, occupiers, self-employed individuals, and workers about the serious risks associated with "Work at Height" activities. This is a call to action following four tragic fatalities that had occurred in 2024 caused by falls thereby emphasizing the urgent need for improved safety measures in the workplace especially in the construction industry.