Recent Updates
Note to Industry (NTI)
2025/NTI/01 - Commencement of the Registration of Designated Workplace Doctor (DWD)
This Note to Industry (NTI) serves as a notice to inform all stakeholders of the commencement date for the registration of Designated Workplace Doctor (DWD). The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) hereby announces that registration for Designated Workplace Doctors (DWD) will be effective from 24 March 2025.
Workplace Safety and Health Notice (WSHN)
2025/WSHN/01 - Importance of Compliance to Workplace Safety in Towing Operations
The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) is issuing a reminder on the importance of rigorous safety measures to be undertaken by all towing companies, operators, and personnel when operating towing. Towing operations present unique challenges, including roadside hazards, the handling of heavy equipment, and exposure to varying environmental conditions. By addressing these risks proactively, towing professionals can ensure safer and more efficient operations while maintaining compliance to the Workplace Safety and Health Act, CAP. 277.
Radiation Technical Note (RTN)
2025/RTN/01 - Guidelines on Management of Disused Controlled Apparatus
This Radiation Technical Note provides an update for stakeholders involved with radiation matters under the Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA). This guideline serves to assist the Licensee and Radiation Protection Officer (RPO) in fulfilling the requirements under Section 7(4) of the Radiation Protection Act, Cap 228 and Part 11: Disposal Plan of the SHENA Guidelines on Radiation Protection Programme (RPP) Requirements (Rev.1) on the prohibition of disposing of any controlled apparatus, whether in a working condition or otherwise, without the prior written approval from SHENA.
Radiation Guidelines
Guidelines on Management of Disused Controlled Apparatus
This document serves as an additional guideline for Radiation Licensees or Radiation Protection Officers (RPO) to use to safely and efficiently manage their controlled apparatus. It provides methods for managing controlled apparatus if the licensee no longer intends to use them in the practices they were authorised for. This is also to further supplement disposal requirements under Section 7(4) of the Act and Part 11: Disposal Plan of the Guideline on Radiation Protection Programme (RPP) Requirements (Rev.1) as published on the SHENA official website.
Industry Guidance Note (IGN)
2025/IGN/01 - Guidance for Lifting of Persons in Work Platforms suspended from Cranes
This Industry Guidance Note (IGN) serves as guidance and reference on the basic requirements for the design, construction, installation, inspection and safe use of work practices for lifting persons on cranes, also referred to as man riding activities. Cranes are generally designed for lifting loads and are not normally designed for lifting persons. Ladders, scaffolds, stairways, aerial lifts and personnel hoists must first be considered prior to using a crane to hoist personnel. This is only recommended as the final option if there is no safer, practical or conventional means of access to an elevated work area.