Hengyi hosts second public engagement
08 August 2019
HENGYI Industries Sdn Bhd organised its second public engagement session yesterday, aiming to provide an overview and awareness on the Pulau Muara Besar Oil Refinery and Petrochemical Plant projects to the local communities in the vicinity of Serasa area.
The event, held at the Al-Fath Hall of the Maritime and Port Authority of Brunei Darussalam (MPABD) Headquarters, was attended by Legislative Council member and Acting Penghulu of Mukim Serasa Yang Berhormat Pengiran Haji Mohamed bin Pengiran Haji Osman @ Othman.
Also in attendance were officials from the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry (MEMI); Damai Holdings Ltd; Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA); DARe (Darussalam Enterprise); village heads, committee members of village consultative council (MPK) and residents based in Mukim Serasa.
The engagement session saw a panel comprising representatives from Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd and its shareholder Damai Holdings Ltd alongside officers from the MEMI, SHENA and DARe touch on topics related to workplace safety, employee welfare and social impact on community.
The event began with a recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah followed by a safety briefing, before welcoming remarks were delivered by Corporate Communication Executive at Hengyi Industries Sdn Bhd Pengiran Yura Masraniwaty binti Pengiran Yura Perkasa.