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Radiation Inspection and Investigation Workshop

20 April 2021

The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) has organised a 4-day workshop on Radiation Inspection and Investigation that was held starting 5th till 8th April 2021. The main objective of the workshop is to obtain a good understanding through sharing of knowledge, experience and skills acquired by a more established regulatory agency in the conduct and establishment of inspection as well as investigation procedures, strategies, and techniques in accordance with best practices used by other IAEA State Members in handling radiation offences.

The Atomic Energy Licensing Board (AELB) of Malaysia has graciously accepted the invitation extended by SHENA to speak and deliver lectures online on key areas pertinent to the implementation of the provisions under the Radiation Protection Order, 2018 during the workshop. Apart from participants from SHENA, the workshop was also attended by officers from the Royal Brunei Armed Forces, the Royal Brunei Police Force and the Royal Customs and Excise Department.

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