SHENA Continues to Engage Industry in Making Brunei Darussalam A Safe Place to Work and Live
23 October 2019
As part of the Safety, Health and Environment National Authority's (SHENA) ongoing engagements with stakeholders in pursuit of its mission in making Brunei Darussalam a safe place to work and live, SHENA, the national regulator for workplace safety, health and environment as well as radiation matters, has recently conducted a number of inspections and investigations at various construction sites in Brunei Darussalam.
Concerns and non-compliances at these sites are reflected below:
Lack of general hazard management and risk assessment within the construction sites
Lack of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP), emergency response & other safety plans for high risk activities
Inadequate maintenance and certification of cranes and equipment
Lack of HSE awareness, poor communication practices and supervision onsite
Non-compliant practices in scaffolding activities
Lack of provision of suitable Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) for all workers
Untrained workers, crane operators and other safety critical personnel
Unsafe practices in the use of electrical tools and appliances
SHENA reminds all Companies involved in construction-related activities of their accountability under the Workplace Safety and Health Order, 2009 and advises them to review their safe operating practices to ensure they utilize good industry practices, so as to implement and maintain suitable and safe systems on their worksites.
As part of such a management system assessment, as a minimum it is recommended for companies to review:
Site-wide hazard assessment and management
The adequacy and training of their supervisors and workers including their HSE awareness
Controls and procedures around work at height activities including scaffolding works
Crane activities, certification and all forms of lifting operations
Electrical system management and safe use of electrical appliances on the worksite
SHENA will continue to engage construction companies with the support of relevant authorities and undertake inspections to ascertain the level of compliance onsite. Legal action shall be taken where it is deemed necessary.