SHENA initiates the Government HSE Group
11 October 2021
The Government HSE Group initiated by SHENA is a platform for sharing information on workplace safety and health amongst government ministries in Brunei Darussalam. SHENA hopes to work together through a whole-of-nation approach to achieve a common goal in ensuring Brunei Darussalam is a safe place to work and live. The highlight of the meeting was the announcement of the Workplace Safety and Health (First-Aid) Regulations, 2021 which is a new piece of legislation effective from 1st June 2021.
SHENA also presented updates on national workplace safety and health performance, findings from SHENA’s inspections and monitoring visits, guidance in managing workplace safety and health in an office establishment as well as the COVID-19 Controls at the workplace in line with the guidelines by the Ministry of Health. Representatives from each ministry also had the opportunity to share their current progress on workplace safety and health matters especially the current control measures in managing the spread of COVID-19 within their respective ministries.