SHENA and Ministry of Health collaborate on outreach to religious educational institutions
15 April 2021
Thursday, 25 March 2021 – The Safety, Health and Environment National Authority (SHENA) held an awareness briefing entitled "BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY: THE SHENA STORY" to principals and heads of religious educational institutions under the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The talk was attended by around 100 participants and took place at Sekolah Ugama Arab Menengah Perempuan Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Hajah Saleha, Kampong Katok in Bandar Seri Begawan.
The event is part of SHENA's ongoing Outreach Programme to engage relevant stakeholders and raise awareness on issues pertaining to workplace safety and health in pursuit of its mission to make Brunei Darussalam a safe place to work and live. The briefing, which was delivered by inspectors from the Non-Industry Sector of SHENA touched on a variety of topics such as the roles and functions of SHENA, the legal framework as well as the roles and responsibilities of principals and management in educational institutions in ensuring the health and safety of their staff and students.
This was followed by a presentation by a representative from the Department of Otorhinolaryngology (ORL), Ministry of Health on "Safe Listening in Noise" whereby participants were briefed on issues pertaining to hearing loss caused by noise, promoting behaviour change in listening activities as well as steps to safeguard hearing to prevent early onset hearing loss.
SHENA's collaboration with the Ministry of Health represents part of its efforts to work closely with relevant authorities to drive and strengthen workplace safety and health in all workplaces across all industries and raise awareness of such issues to promote better understanding and compliance.