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SHENA Engages with Construction Companies to enhance Workplace Safety Compliance

31 July 2024

Berakas, 31 July 2024 – The Safety, Health, and Environment National Authority (SHENA) organised an important engagement session with construction companies currently executing construction projects to elevate awareness in workplace safety compliance. It was also part of SHENA's new initiative in its engagement on the requirement of the completion and submission of a Safety and Health Notification form for new construction activities via the ABCi OneBiz Portal.

During the session, SHENA amongst others emphasised the duties of employers, occupiers, and appointed Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) Officers as well as Co-ordinators in ensuring compliance with the Workplace Safety and Health Order, 2009, and its regulations. WSH Officers and Co-ordinators were also reminded of their important role in the industry to facilitate and actively recommend solutions to mitigate and reduce hazards at construction sites.

The session also highlighted the requirements under the WSH (Construction) Regulations, 2014, including the mandatory appointment of WSH Co-ordinators for Building Operating and Work of Engineering Construction (BOWEC) projects valued at less than BND 10 million. The safety and health training requirements for supervisors and workers and the implementation of a Safety and Health Management System were also briefed during the engagement.

Furthermore, construction companies were urged to comply with other relevant regulations such as the WSH (Risk Management) Regulations, 2014, the WSH (General Provisions) Regulations, 2014, the WSH (Incident Reporting) Regulations, 2014, the WSH (WSH Committees) Regulations, 2014, the WSH (First-Aid) Regulations, 2021, and the WSH (WSH Officers) Regulations, 2014. SHENA provided guidance, checklists, and templates to assist companies in self-assessing their compliance.

During the session, concerns were also raised on the incidents of fatality or injury due to falls and companies were reminded of the importance of risk management and controls in place to prevent such incidents from occurring.

Principals, Occupiers, Employers and Persons at Work are encouraged to visit SHENA’s website at for further guidance and detailed information on requirements to support compliance with the Workplace Safety and Health Order, 2009 and its regulations thereunder.

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